Lavra Tamutus

Headshot of Lavra Tamutus backed by a full bookshelf, purple string lights, and a hanging pink bandana adorned by a fluorescent green goat

Freelance Web Developer, Designer, & Activist

Creator and Programmer of



Veritas Divining

Business website for a diviner. Built as a Single Page Application in Vue, with integrated booking and an interactive galaxy animation.

BOLD website creation

Directed by Katrina A. Robinson, The BOLD Project (Building On Life's Disenfranchisements) aims to fill gaps in healthcare and support for trans women. I created this website as a Node application running Express, and deployed it to Render, managing DNS and ancillary tech support.

Magnova Carta

In addition to developing the website by myself, I have a number of steps to take towards building a nonprofit around it. This is my life's work!

Portfolio development

I have many features that I'm excited to add to this website, like streamlining my contracting process, writing in my blog, expanding the simple photo galleries I made into a more full-fledged experience, and creating a shopfront for my services that uses Stripe.

Volunteering with Moneyless Society

These people run an excellent podcast, host a wealth of resources, and are actively creating sustainable ecosystems. We are developing and practicing ways of doing mutual aid. I've contributed to their WordPress with web design and an article, and they hosted me on their podcast. I am a member of the board of directors.

Ballots Unleashed

Ranked Choice Voting should be easy to do in everyday life. Unbelievably, we don't have a free app for anybody to run and participate in ranked choice elections.

I've decided to change that by creating a web app that lets social circles of different granularity (residential area, friend group, union, etc.) create elections with a variety of parameters and voting algorithms, which will together radically expand the potential applications of RCV.

Professional Connections

My unbridled enthusiasm for so much that the world has to offer has brought me into contact with diverse fields. We are only as strong as the bonds we form. Mutual aid is the strongest way to build them. Groups that I have done mutual aid with include:

• Alliance for Reason and Knowledge

• Qubit Transport

• Structural Monitoring Solutions

Send me an email if you'd like to connect with any of the following groups. I vouch for all of them.

Veritas Divining




Moneyless Society

Ballots Unleashed
